We have helped literally thousands of aspiring students reach their education goals – from finding them the right school, university or vocational program to assisting with college tuition funding and home stay/housing placement. The vast network of students we have helped all over the globe can attest to the assistance they have received from ACADIMUS™ .

And when at times things take a turn for the worse, we are there to assist and help as an impartial arbitrator between you and the institution.

We have been successful in fighting for student rights at every step of the way through their education road map. You are not alone, nor do you have to rely on a costly and long drawn out litigation process involving courts and lawyers. It does not have to come to a legal battle for you.

Leave the fight to us and we will guide you through and be the steward and champion for your right while you continue to focus on your education goals. ACADIMUS™ is the protection you need and the voice of reason to achieve all that you hope for yourself.