So you have now found yourself in disagreement with the educational institution of your choice. You feel you have not been given all that you were promised – we understand and have had students in your shoes speak to us about the very same things. In other words, we have seen it and heard it all and empathize with you.

You may not know but you do have rights under a written contract between you and the institute. You may not have interpreted it correctly or you may not be aware of the rules, body of law or rights available to you.

ACADIMUS™ has the resources, the voice and the connections to ease your pain and negotiate on your behalf for a fair and equitable resolution.

Our aim for you, is to receive a just return on your education investment from the institute or receive compensation for failed delivery of promises. We will not rest while an injustice has been committed and our services come with a guarantee of payment*.

*Guarantee based on ACADIMUS™ accepting your case on evidence of failure by the institute to provide education services and successful retrieval of compensatory damages and or tuition refunds.

Don’t wait for the pain to go away or suffer in silence. ACADIMUS™ is on your side to get you the compensation and resolution you need to keep focused on your education goals.